己亥(つちのと・い)年 百々手祭


己亥(つちのと・い)年 百々手祭

一年間の平穏無事を願い・厄災の無いことを祈って大勢の祈願者の方たちが集い、 今年も 伝統神事である百々手祭をを催行することが出来ました。

About MOMOTE(百々手)

We parishioners of KAMO shrine have an annual traditional ceremony called Momote. It has been about 500 years since it was started. Our parishioners pray for good health and happiness and for bad things not to happen this year. So they write their prayers on their own folding fan, then 10~12 chosen delegates shoot the fans by bow. It’s so good if the fan is destroyed. It means the evil spirits are driven out from them.